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If you have questions and are currently at an event, please feel free to ask a YFC staff or volunteer. If you are not currently at an event, please call (319) 393-7996 or email office@heartlandyfc.org
Contact Information

Name *
First Name
Last Name
Address *
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Email *

I will become a champion for youth with a gift of:

Yes, I will become a new partner with a gift of:
Example $500 per year for 5 years.
I would like to make this a
Current Supporter

I would like to continue my gift and:
How would you like to add to your existing pledge?
Example: Add 5 more year to my pledge; Add $20 per month
Gift Allocation

Allocate my gift to *
Please contact me
Gift amount *
Start your pledge today and sign up for recurring donations
 I would like to cover processing fees for this transaction at a rate of 2.9%.