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Your support and contributions help us meet the needs among our region's growing unhoused population. Your generous donation will fund our mission, support our programs, and create many more move-in dates for our clients transitioning to housing.
Donation *
Gift Note
Name *
First Name
Last Name
Address *
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Email *
Does your organization offer matching funds? *
 By clicking this box, you agree to cover the transaction fee for this gift.

Other Ways to Donate:

- Send a check to Reclaim: PO Box 65, Snoqualmie, WA 98065
- Donate directly through your workplace payroll deduction program
- Double this gift by submitting to your employer's company matching program

Snoqualmie Valley Shelter Services (DBA Reclaim) is a non-profit organization registered with the State of WA as a charitable organization and designated as a 501(c)3 by the IRS. Our tax ID is 81-5104730.