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Network with the professionals making a difference in the lives of Oklahoma's kids!

Join community leaders, companies, and organizations from across Oklahoma each quarter as we convene over breakfast to discuss matters at the intersection of economic development, workforce development, PK-20 Education, and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math). Hear from panelists about innovative programs aimed to address these multifaceted issues and participate in conversations that will help align resources across our state.

Will Rogers Theater, 4322 N Western Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73118

September 12th

7:45 am - Networking Starts
8:00 am - Breakfast Buffet Opens
8:30 am - Program Starts
9:40 am - Impact Partnership Project Update
10:00 am - Program Ends

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Event Tickets
State of STEAM Ticket
x $25.00
State of STEAM Ticket: Buy One Get One Half Off
x $37.50
Event Sponsorship Opportunities
Table Sponsor
x $1,000.00
• Reserved Table (8 tickets for one event)
• Logo included in digital program
• Verbal recognition during the event
 Would you consider covering the processing fees so we receive the full value of your contribution?