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Choose Sponsorship or Individual Tickets

Big Bash - 1 Available
x $5,000.00
Sponsorship Includes: Banner/Sign on Stage, Logo and Link on FIA website for 1 year, Walkway Signage, Logo on all event promotions, Logo and Link in FIA newsletter, Social Media shout outs, 10 event tickets, 5 VIP Parking Spaces. Please send attendee names by February 20 and send logo by February 7 to info@faithinactiongt.org.
T-Bird - 2 Available
x $3,000.00
Sponsorship includes: Banner/Sign Above Bleachers, Logo and Link on FIA Website for 6 months, Walkway Signage, Logo on all Event promotions, Logo and Link in FIA newsletter, Social Media Shout-outs, 10 Event Tickets, 3 VIP parking spaces. Please send attendee names by February 20 and send logo by February 7 to info@faithinactiongt.org.
Corvette - 1 Available
x $1,500.00
Sponsorship includes: Banner or Sign at Diner Entry, Logo and Link on FIA website for 6 months, Walkway Signage, Logo/Name on all event promotions, Logo and Link in FIA newsletter, 8 Event Tickets, 2 VIP Parking Spaces. Please send attendee names by February 20 and send logo by February 7 to info@faithinactiongt.org.
Roadster - 10 Available
x $1,000.00
Sponsorship includes: Signage on Diner Table, Logo and Link on FIA website for 3 months, Walkway Signage, Logo/name on all event promotions, Logo & Link in FIA newsletter, Social Media shout-outs, 6 event tickets, 3 Preferred Parking Spaces. Please send attendee names by February 20 and send logo by February 7 to info@faithinactiongt.org.
Bel Air - 1 Available
x $500.00
Sponsorship includes: Banner/Sign inside Diner, Name on Website for 3 months, Walkway Signage, Logo on all event promotions, Logo and Link in FIA newsletter, Social Media shout outs, 4 Event tickets, 2 Preferred Parking spaces. Please send attendee names by February 20 and send logo by February 7 to info@faithinactiongt.org.
x $300.00
Sponsorship includes: Walkway Signage, Logo on all event promotions, Logo and Link in FIA newsletter, Social Media shoutouts, 3 Event tickets, 1 Preferred Parking space. Please send attendee names by February 20 and send logo by February 7 to info@faithinactiongt.org.
Hot Rod
x $100.00
Sponsorship includes: Name on all event promotions, Logo and Link in FIA newsletter, Social Media shout out, 1 Event Ticket, 1 Preferred Parking space. Please send attendee names by February 20 and send logo by February 7 to info@faithinactiongt.org.
Individual Ticket
x $25.00
Admission Ticket includes food, drink and free shuttle service from over flow parking. If purchasing more than one ticket, please email the names of other guests to info@faithinactiongt.org.
I am unable to attend, but here's my donation!
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 Please consider adding 3.58% to your donation to help offset processing costs
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Mission Statement: Faith in Action Georgetown is a non-profit organization helping seniors maintain their independence and quality of life.